Nature-based solutions as the future of sustainable infrastructure
By Rutaban Yameen In a world threatened with increasing climate-related disasters, multiple sectors are tuning…

Ramsar Urban Wetlands Accreditation scheme takes off
by Rutaban Yameen The 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP13) to…

Renowned wetland scientist Dhrubajyoti Ghosh passes away
Anyone who knows about the unique wastewater fed fishery system in the East Kolkata Wetlands…

Sand Mining – The Unheard Global Environmental Crisis
Impacts of over-fishing, wastewater disposal and reclamation on wetland has been widely discussed for years.…

Weaving Dams to defend mangroves in Semarang City, Indonesia
A Dutch consortium of coastal engineering concerns, NGOs and maritime knowledge institutes (Witteveen+Bos, Deltares, EcoShape,…

Hanoi Vietnam: Increased groundwater pumping draws Arsenic from contaminated wetlands and rivers.
Monsoonal regions such as Hanoi, Vietnam consist of lands with higher ground water levels than…

Fate of plants in sinking wetlands
The chairmaker’s bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus) is a wetland plant, which is widespread across America and commonly found both in urban…

Diminishing wetlands and Vanishing dragonflies
Wetlands are at risk of depletion and destruction due to the rapid urbanization worldwide. These unique ecosystems provide habitats for…

In Conversation with Anne Spooner, Australian Wetlands Activist
Australian freelance journalist, Rutaban Yameen, met with veteran wetlands expert, scientist and activist, Anne Spooner. Ms Spooner is based in…

The political nature of urban wetlands: speaking from Princess Vlei Wetland, Cape Town
The Princess Vlei Wetland on Cape Flats in Cape Town (South Africa) was one of the few natural areas that…

Fate of plants in sinking wetlands
The chairmaker’s bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus) is a wetland plant, which is widespread across America and commonly found both in urban…

Diminishing wetlands and Vanishing dragonflies
Wetlands are at risk of depletion and destruction due to the rapid urbanization worldwide. These unique ecosystems provide habitats for…

East Kolkata Wetlands : Towards A New World View
East Kolkata Wetlands were unknown to the world as any ecosystem of consequence, even in 1980. Today, many around the…

Wetland policies and legislation: an Indian perspective
Supreet Kaur India is home to thousands of wetlands which occupy a total area of 15.260 Mha hectares are covered…